Family Easter dental tips

categories: Blog,Practice News

With Easter only a few days away and if you’ve given up sugary treats this Lent, it can be tempting to really indulge your sweet tooth once the long weekend arrives.

If you’ve given up your favourite sugary treats such as chocolate, fizzy drinks or cakes you may be really looking forward to ripping open that Easter egg wrapping.

If this is the case, then we’ve got a few tips to help keep your oral health in top condition as you and the kids tuck into those eggs:

Limit chocolate and sugary drinks to meal times

Limit your chocolate and other sweets to meal times only. As your mouth is already producing saliva, it doesn’t have to work harder to fight off the extra sugar and acid.  Saliva helps to neutralise the acids, wash away food bits and repair the early effects of tooth decay by re-mineralising tooth enamel.

Eat your Easter eggs and sweets in moderation

The more you consume sweet foods and drinks, the higher the risk of tooth decay. Try and limit how often you consume them and eat them in moderation.

Drink lots of water

Drink tap water after eating your Easter eggs as this contains fluoride that helps to protect your teeth by washing away the sugars that create acids and cause decay.

Choose water over sugary drinks such as soft drink, fruit juice and cordial. Encourage your children to drink water by leaving a jug of water on the table during meal times.

Dark chocolate contains less sugar than milk chocolate

Research suggests that Dark chocolate is better for your teeth than milk chocolate as it contains less sugar. Dark chocolate is made from Cocoa beans which contain tannins, polyphenols and flavonoids. These are a type of strong antioxidant that benefits your mouth and teeth. Tannins are what give dark chocolate it’s slightly bitter taste and are responsible for the it’s dark pigments. More importantly, they help prevent cavities by preventing bacteria from sticking to your teeth. Polyphenols limit the effects of bacteria, meaning they work to neutralize the microorganisms that cause bad breath, prevent infections in your gums and battle tooth decay. Flavonoids also work to slow tooth decay.

Don’t forget to brush your teeth!

Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day but make sure you wait for at least half an hour after eating sugary foods, such as Easter eggs, before brushing your teeth. This is because sugary foods soften the enamel and if brushed immediately, there is a danger that you will erode it.

If you need any advice on looking after your children’s teeth what better tine to book an appointment than the school Easter holidays. Call the team on 0121 711 2424.

Share your oral health tips over on our Facebook page and let us know which Easter eggs you will be tucking into this Easter.