Looking for Some Last Minute Stocking Fillers? – Make them ‘Tooth Friendly’

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Christmas is a busy time of the year for everyone as we all rush to gather together all that we need for the celebrations on the big day. If you’re you still looking for a few last minute presents don’t worry – it’s not too late. Take a look at our ideas for ‘tooth friendly’ stocking fillers. You may just find a great idea for one of your loved ones this Christmas…


Novelty Toothbrushes

This simple item makes an ideal stocking filler, especially for little ones. They fit well into stockings and should help to encourage good brushing all year round. Many toothbrushes feature special designs at this time of year, so treat your family to this present which can be both fun and useful.


A Selection of Nuts

Nuts are an excellent source of calcium which is good for teeth and bones. There a countless varieties available from most shops at this time of year – a great filler for all family members.


Brushing Timer

Make brushing time fun by buying a brushing timer. Young and old alike can enjoy brushing for two minutes twice a day, knowing that they are doing a thorough job.

A Dental App

For anyone who enjoys technology you’ll be very pleased to hear that there are now some very good apps available which help you to keep dental health in tip top condition. Do your friends and family need help with remembering to brush? Would they like to be better informed about common dental problems? Or do they need to form better habits with flossing? Whatever their needs you will be able to find a great app to help.

Sugar Free Chocolates

 It’s important to enjoy yourself at this time of year, as after all, that’s what Christmas is all about. But it’s also important not to damage your good dental habits in the process. Avoid this from happening in your family by giving them some sugar free chocolates in their stocking.  Sugar free chocolates are just as delicious as the ‘real’ thing but lower your chances of developing cavities.


What will you be putting into your families stockings on Christmas morning? Will you add any ‘tooth friendly’ treats?

From all of us here at Paul Lowe Dentistry – we wish you a very merry Christmas and all the best for 2014! If you want to make an appointment for the New Year you can contact us here.