Growing smiles: keeping order

categories: smile

If you’ve been following our latest news you will know that we are on a journey with you and your children, discovering the evolution of a smile. Previously we talked about natal teeth and the signs of teething. Now we move on to order and maintenance.

While 6 months is the average age a tooth will appear, for some children, first teeth don’t peek through until into their first year. This doesn’t mean that they won’t cause discomfort beforehand though, and if you have any concerns get in touch with a healthcare professional. If you’re a member here at Paul Lowe you could mention it to your dentist; we are always willing to offer advice and signpost you if further investigation is needed. We spoke to one mum who experienced just this:

‘Abbie still didn’t have any teeth through by her 1st birthday. Although we tried not to worry about it or compare to other babies, everyone else around us’ little ones all had multiples. After a little visit to the health visitor, she quickly reassured us that it is actually very normal and they would appear in due time. One week later, her first tooth popped through!’ Jess


According to the BDA, the arrival of milk teeth and their subsequent loss tends to follow a similar pattern, from the first bottom incisor to the last wobbly back molar, you can check out their website for an awesome 3D visual on the lifetime of teeth, this is also a useful tool to use when discussing the importance of oral care and hygiene with older children.

Many parents ask when is best to start cleaning their babies teeth?! We would recommend straight away, incorporating brushing into your child’s life from an early age will ensure it becomes routine behaviour. In previous posts we have discussed what steps could be taken if you have a reluctant brusher but here also is a basic guide for parents on brushing those first peals.

–  Work together: let them watch you or an older sibling brushing their teeth. This normalises the behaviour and can make it seem like a fun activity rather than a chore.

–  Pick the right brush: most shops will have specific brushes for milk teeth and we advise that you choose a small soft bristled one with three or less rows of bristles.

–  Let your child help: under supervision, encouraging your child’s curiosity can only be a positive thing, some parents opt to buy two brushes so baby can also take part while they ensure the job is completed.

–  Hold the toothpaste: Just starting out with using just warm water can be beneficial, introducing a new taste and texture could confuse your child at first .

–  Stay informed: understanding how certain foods and drinks can effect teeth will ensure that damage is prevented.

How we can help

Here at Paul Lowe dentistry we believe that Prevention is always better than cure. We can offer advice and tips on how you or your child’s diet and lifestyle might affect oral health.

We are here to support you as a family and that means ensuring your children are armed with the right information and guidance to maintain a healthy attitude towards their teeth. We are here to talk both you and your child through dental hygiene, encourage the implementation of a routine and address any concerns you may have.

Paul Lowe Dentistry offer free dental check-ups and x-rays for children up to the age of 16 years if either parent is a registered patient with us