Flossing – essential for healthy teeth

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Only half of us here in the UK floss once a day, which is the bare minimum for maintaining a healthy oral hygiene routine. Failing to floss regularly increases your chances of gum disease.


Removing food particles will prevent bacteria from breeding in the gaps between your teeth and prevent the acid and sugar levels in your mouth from raising. It also plaque from turning into tartar which can be a very tenacious substance, covering your protective tooth surface – enamel.


Is there a right way to floss?

Yes! According to research, half of people who floss are doing it incorrectly and therefore not doing their mouths any additional good. A popular mistake is to floss too hard, causing gum lines to bleed.


woman with a dental floss. Bite a floss


How to floss:

  • Take a piece of floss that is about 20cm in length.
  • Slide this between your teeth.
  • Move the floss in a semicircle motion when making contact with your gumline, using an up and down motion to clean the area.
  • Repeat this process around your mouth.


Your dental hygienist can show your how to floss effectively as well as advise you on what type of products to use.

Close-up Photo Of A Man Flossing Teeth



How flossing affects your oral health

Failing to floss will not only have a chronic impact on your teeth but on your overall health. Allowing bacteria to gather overtime can contribute to heart disease, respiratory problems and diabetes.


If you would like more information on how to floss correctly, please do not hesitate to contact us and we can arrange a consultation for you.